"Girls are pillars of the society. Continuation of life is not possible without them. "
Women are the most important section of the society and equally participate in the life existence on the earth. However, regular decrease in the sex ratio of female in India because of the increasing crimes against women such as female foeticide, dowry deaths, rape, poverty, illiteracy, gender discrimination and many more has created the fear of total finish of women. So, it is very necessary to save girl child in order to maintain the ratio of women in India. To equalize the number of women in the society, it is very necessary to aware people greatly about the save girl child. Government of India has taken some positive steps regarding save girl child such as protection of women from domestic violence act 2005, ban of female infanticide, immoral traffic (prevention) act, proper education, gender equality, etc.
Education is the vital element to reduce poverty and gender discrimination as well as improve the status of girl child and woman in the Indian society. According to the statistics, it is found that female literacy is decreasing continuously where girl child do not have equal access to the education and other activities.
We at Aakanksha Foundation, we started a campaign by name "save girl child" to ensure the equal rights and opportunities for women in the society. Save girl child is an initiative taken by our foundation, to save the girl child in India by ensuring their safety as well as to stop the crime against girl child especially female foeticide and gender inequality.
Education is the most effective step taken by our foundation, to improve women status as it makes them financially independent.Parents arenot willing to send their girls to study as there is a lack of separate toilets for girls, which is one of the major deterrents for parents. The few who manage to attend school risk violence and abuse. According to India's 2011 census, 53% households and 11% schools had no toilets. This lack of safety deprives young girls of an opportunity to educate themselves and better their lives. We are trying to see that all government schools will have separate toilets for girls.
Apart from this, we at Aakanksha foundation, starting a new project on Menstrual Hygiene. Here we create awareness on menstrual hygiene and explain the benefits of using Sanitary Pads. We are distributing the sanitary pads in the schools with the help of other NGOS.
Also, we are creating awareness by conducting awareness camps in the slum areas on Child marriages.Child marriage is yet another glaring issue due to which girls are forced to give up going to school at an early age.
Not everyone needs to be a Social Worker. You can help the suffering humanity through us. There are many ways you can partner with us. Donate generously and make a difference in someone's life. Adopt a girl child by sponsoring for her well-being and education.
There are various steps taken by the Indian government regarding save the girl child and educate the girl child. The most recent initiative regarding this is "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao" which is very actively supported by the Government, NGOs, corporate groups, and human rights activists and NGOS. Various social organizations have helped the campaign by building toilet at girl schools. Crimes against girl child and women are big obstruction in the way of India's growth and development. Female foeticide was one of the big issues however have been banned by the government by the stoppage of ultrasound for sex determination, scan tests, amniocentesis, etc., in the hospitals. Government has taken this step to let people know that a girl child is not a sin in the society.